
皇冠体育投注校友会是校友会的代表机构. 校友 are defined as any former 学生 who have graduated from 皇冠体育投注 or who have completed a minimum of two consecutive full-time semesters.


校友会是皇冠体育投注校友社区的重要资源. 它支持任务, 目标, 和大学的战略方向, 在校友参与计划过程中代表校友的声音, and serves in an active capacity to support the 校友活动办公室 and the Division of Institutional Advancement. 校友会的职责包括:  

  • 通知, 涉及, and serve the alumni community throughout their lifelong relationship with the University
  • 担任皇冠体育投注大使, working to increase the university’s visibility and reputation among alumni and the wider community
  • 创建, 不断更新, and execute an 校友理事会 Strategic Plan to provide direction in alumni engagement strategies
  • 促进校友与皇冠体育投注之间的思想交流
  • 全年出席及参与校友会会议
  • Participate in and promote alumni events and programs sponsored by the Division of Institutional Advancement
  • Select Distinguished 校友 Award and 研究生 of the Last Decade Award recipients each year
  • Actively serve on 校友理事会 sub-committees and ad-hoc working groups to implement alumni engagement initiatives and programs
  • 每年面试和挑选学生校友大使
  • 通过寻找赞助者或资金来源来促进筹款活动


由不同背景的校友组成, 类年, 身份, 工作经验, 地理位置, 我们的使命是广泛代表这23个国家的声音,在全球拥有1000多名校友.


"The university’s 能力 to provide critical academic and financial scholarships made all the difference in the world. 这也是我开始作为捐赠者参与的原因, 希望我所做的贡献能给别人带来改变."

Niquanna (墙) 巴内特的00

"I think giving back matters because there are some 学生 that have to work multiple jobs to afford to attend school and that little bit you give could mean the world to them."

Symone (罗素) 鲍德温的16

Symone's ongoing commitment to Carroll has remained strong since the beginning of her Pioneer journey in 2012.  She is honored to continue her Carroll engagement through 涉及ment on the 校友理事会.


“我帮助学生获得实习和就业机会, and readily tell anyone I meet from Carroll to consider and use me as a professional resource."

Lucas Bennewitz, 12岁 

“皇冠体育投注的经历无疑为我进入法学院做了准备. The liberal arts education serves as my foundation for justice and account能力 in our community."


作为卡罗尔的第一代学生, LGBTQIA +学生, I’m interested in connecting and collaborating with the diverse Carroll community - alumni, 学生, 教师 & 工作人员, as well as prospective 学生 - to let them know that Carroll is a great place for them to start their journey of ‘lifelong learning in a diverse and global society’."

Ciara Czajkowski, 21岁

“每一份礼物都很重要,不管是5美元还是100美元. 一点点可以走很长的路,你甚至可能没有意识到这一点. Your gift big or small will help Carroll stay the amazing school it is, and improve on many things"


“卡罗尔让我更好地了解了我周围更大的世界, 从我们共有的经历到我们没有的经历,这些经历造就了我们. 这些知识对我的职业生涯至关重要, 我仍然很乐意分享我的经验,向别人学习."

Emily Gillingham, 20岁

“我喜欢卡罗尔家族的巨大联系! 无论我去哪里,见到卡罗校友就意味着找到了一个即时的朋友."

马克·哈克特' 14

"The scholarships and aid I recieved from Carroll and its donors helped me reach all the success I have today. Without their generosity I would have never been able to be one of the first college graduates in my family."


“卡罗尔仍然拥有雄厚的财务基础,并着眼于未来. 而其他学校则在削减开支, 卡罗尔正在寻求扩大其产品以满足未来的需求. If we are still moving forward after more than 175 years we must be doing something right."

Lucas Bennewitz, 12岁 

“皇冠体育投注的经历无疑为我进入法学院做了准备. The liberal arts education serves as my foundation for justice and account能力 in our community."


"If I peel back the onion of my career it began at 皇冠体育投注 with an Advisor who welcomed me, 我的孩子也来到了校园. 他们不断地启发和激励我成长为一个人和一个专业人士."

Sarah Jensen, 14岁,硕士.Ed. '18

“我为皇冠体育投注的毕业生感到自豪,因为我在那里的经历不仅塑造了我的知识, 而是我是一个怎样的人. 它给了我一个空间来展现我自己, 发现自己的领导品质, 并在我成长的泡沫之外获得更广阔的人生观."


"I continue to be a vocal champion of Carroll's mission and am impressed with Carroll's commitment to increase and support a diverse student population."


“财务捐赠对学校的未来至关重要, “校友参与”意味着更多! 有无数的回报, 以有意义的方式支持在校生, 比如在教室里做演讲嘉宾, 参加或志愿参加校友活动, 开发实习或工作机会, 甚至是举办校友聚会."


在皇冠体育投注时, 我能够在LASO担任领导职务, 学生参议院, 和多样性, 股本, 及包容小组. 这些经历激发了我对倡导的热情, 帮助学生获得公平的教育机会."

Sandy Montes-Gruber ' 10

"It is due to Carroll’s financial support that my twin sister and I (being first generation) were given the opportunity to be the first in our family to graduate from a 4-year college. 没有卡罗尔校友的奖学金和慷慨, 我就不会成为今天这样的专业人士."


"There were many before you who gave back and made Carroll the unique and special place that it is and I truly feel that it's our job to continue to give back and pay that forward so generations of 学生 have the same positive experiences we had!"


“成为卡罗尔社区的一员, 无论是现在的学生还是校友, 将你连接到杰出的先驱者网络. 考虑到卡罗对我的生活产生的巨大影响, 我觉得在校友会任职很有意义, 促进对后代的支持和成长."

Nate Schwarzbach, 13岁

"Knowing that someone financially supported my education to help me get to where I am today, 激励我奉献我的时间, 人才, 和宝藏来帮助明天的校友."


“我很高兴能加入卡罗尔的校友会! I’d like to expand the size of Carroll’s “footprint” in the Twin Cities by serving as an ambassador to increase the University’s visibility and presence among alumni. I’m eager to network with alumni locally and nationally for professional development purposes, 尤其想投资于明尼苏达年轻校友的职业发展."

Gaylene (Blau) Stingl ' 90

"Giving back to Carroll is a way of sustaining 素质教育 and providing an invaluable life experience to young adults as they step toward building a future that can make a difference."


"Giving back to Carroll is a way of sustaining 素质教育 and providing an invaluable life experience to young adults as they step toward building a future that can make a difference."


"If you also believe Carroll to have been a major part of building you into the person that you are today, 那么我想挑战你,帮助别人实现这个机会."


"The generosity of Carroll alumni made it possible for me to have what I believe was a unique, 个性化的, 素质教育. 我想为现在和未来的学生提供同样的体验."


"Pastor Wilkes served as the keynote speaker for Carroll’s Annual Soul Food Dinner in 2019 and helped shape the diversity, 公平和包容的努力."

阿比 (底部) 16岁的范·艾斯,18岁的MBA

Having a financial cushion from the generosity of Pioneers that came before me made my education possible. One thing I know to be true is that Pioneers are forever and I always walk away from alumni events receiving more than I gave.




校友会寻求参与, 充满激情的, and committed alumni who are interested in serving in this very important capacity to support the mission of 皇冠体育投注 and Institutional Advancement. 理事会的目标之一就是囊括这23个国家,000+ alumni community by recruiting a diverse range of alumni from various backgrounds including but not limited to: 类年, 地理位置, 比赛, 性别, 能力, 工作经验, 等. An all-inclusive representation on the 校友理事会 is critical to the mission and success of its work.



  • 参加所有会议(每年6次,不包括委员会会议)
  • 每年至少参加一次校友活动
  • 与校友同辈分享卡罗的活动和新闻-传播讯息!
  • 每年向卡罗尔捐献一份(任何数额-所有的捐献都很重要,而且会产生影响!)
  • 在小组评估项目时分享诚实的反馈, events and methods in order to continually try to engage alumni in the best ways possible
  • 适用时担任同学会委员
  • 担任至少一个校友会执委会委员, 杰出校友奖, 慈善活动, 年轻的校友, 学生参与)
申请期将持续到4月份. 有兴趣的申请人应将以下材料提交至校友参与办公室 alumni@gigeogamer.com 之前或之前 每年4月30日.
  • 姓名,毕业年份,主修/辅修(s)在卡罗尔
  • 你离开卡罗后的简短履历是怎样的? 请包括你认为合适的专业和/或个人经历.
  • 你毕业后和卡罗有什么关系? (i.e. 参加活动,在校园里做志愿者? 为学生提供实习? 把有意向的学生介绍给卡罗尔? 在教室里讲话?  等.)
  • 你为什么想在校友会任职? 请详细说明这段经历对你有何意义.
  • 你希望校友会探索什么方法来提高校友的参与度?

谢谢你对卡罗的关心和承诺!  校友会将跟进所有感兴趣的申请人.

回馈和 参与
